
Your Voice Matters

  For a long time, I have felt that mental illness is something that should be talked about more often with an open heart and an open mind.   This is a conversation that I do not take lightly as I have family members and close friends who have struggled severely with different forms of […]

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Back to School Fun with Name Bubbles

In case you missed it… organizing all. the. things has been a huge priority for me this year!    There are so many awesome tricks, tips, and amazing products that make organizing life FUN!  It can be a tad overwhelming if you don’t know where to start, but this is where I come in!  You […]

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Enjoy SUMMER & Push Your Insecurities Aside!

Rocking a maternity suit even though my baby is almost 3 and still feeling SO HAPPY!  Why?! Because it has taken years of effort to get here! I don’t get a pit in my stomach every time a pool invite is extended.  I still have a little insecurity each time I take off my swim […]

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The Container Store Saves the Day + My Food!

  The geek inside me has a tenancy to love and appreciate any and all organizational products, but when there are beautiful containers specifically for organizing the food in my fridge, game. over.   I had no idea that properly storing your food can help it last longer.  Did you see my pantry makeover that […]

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Pain Free Elastic Removal with The Pony Pick!

Over the last (almost) 3 years, I have waited patiently to finally be able to style my little girls hair.   Having a child go from basically being bald for the first year of her life TO hair twirling – which if you don’t know can cause severe breakage and damage to hair – has […]

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The Glory Days!

Oh, THE GLORY DAYS! What advice would you give to your middle school self?!?  I asked my followers on instastories today what the worst thing that happened to them in middle school was and I got THOUSANDS of some of the most hilarious and heartbreaking stories EVER. The consensus is… middle school just sucks! Pictured […]

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Tiny Backyard Dreams with Convert A Bench!

It may come at no surprise that I love being outdoors with my family!   There is something special to be said about backyard BBQ’s  in the summer and being surrounded by those I love and care about!   Justin and I have worked really hard to curate our (tiny) backyard into a space that […]

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What a Waste!

  “What a waste of a body!” I’ve heard that at least a dozen times in my life.  Usually prefaced with – “how tall are you?! do you play basketball?!”  When I reply with No, that’s the usual response.   What a waste.   I used to believe it.  As a 6 foot tall teenager […]

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Natural Stress Relief with NatureFine Oils

  As a busy, working mom to 4 little humans, I feel like I am always on the hunt for natural ways to help with anxiety.  Say what?!  You read it right.  Believe it or not, I struggle with anxiety, fear, and stress.   It’s not something I talk about on the regular, but those […]

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Cupcakes with Country Crock

I was so excited when Country Crock reached out to me and asked if I would want to try their products in some yummy recipes! They were so generous to send me a full Easter basket of baking materials so I could get started! I decided to have my kids help me bake them because […]

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