
Your Voice Matters

September 6, 2018

hey there!
I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.


For a long time, I have felt that mental illness is something that should be talked about more often with an open heart and an open mind.  

This is a conversation that I do not take lightly as I have family members and close friends who have struggled severely with different forms of mental illness to the point of attempted suicide, suicidal thoughts, and depression that rocks their lives so much that they are unable to do what others would consider minimal tasks.  

Over the last few years more information has continued to surface surrounding mental illness, triggers, and prevention. 

We have heard so many voices rise up in unison to help bring light and love to those who are suffering, in hopes to save a life and in hopes to educate others.  

We can all contribute to varying efforts in many ways, but one I want to talk about today, right here, right now… is speech recognition.  Your voice truly matters.   

I’m sure we’ve all had a conversation over the phone with a friend, where we can hear it in their voice that something is off.  Their voice is key.  

The developers of Canary Speech have been able to use voices like mine and yours to help identify certain conditions such as Alzheimer’s, concussions, Parkinson’s, depression, stress, and even migraines.  They can identify these through how we say things and what we say.  

I decided to partner with their team because I want to make a difference by aiding them in their research to build models for other conditions that we frequently see affecting the lives of those we love.  

Right now they are in need of about 1,000 voices to help build their model for depression and anxiety.  The model that they have built for Alzheimer’s is 97% accurate, and they are currently working on the building the others.  

You may be asking how your voice can help.  It is simple.  You can take an anonymous survey HERE

The survey will take no longer than 15 minutes of your time.  It is a voice survey that will record you reading the prompts they provide as well as just answering questions about age and gender, if you consent.  

The data that they are collecting through their survey will help further the development of a product that will communicate with the family of youth and adults who may be at risk for suicide.  

I hope that you will join me and become one of the voices that can not only help Canary Speech with their research, but that can possibly save the life of someone who might be suffering. 

I am eternally grateful for the medical professionals, writers, businesses, and influencers who have paved the way and started this dialogue.  I am grateful for the many men and women who have researched, built models, ran tests, put in countless hours… all our of love and for the well being of others.

Every life is a gift and every life matters.  




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