Some of you may know that we live on a pretty steep street. We’ve lived in our current house for about 3 years and I have been (more than) a little hesitant to let my boys ride their bikes on our road for fear of them going down too fast and getting hurt. I […]
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In case you missed it… organizing all. the. things has been a huge priority for me this year! There are so many awesome tricks, tips, and amazing products that make organizing life FUN! It can be a tad overwhelming if you don’t know where to start, but this is where I come in! You […]
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WE LOVE NAME BUBBLES! If you are busy juggling lots of little and need a way to quickly label their belongings, I cant recommend Name Bubbles enough! They are SO quick and easy. My kids liked picking out their labels and designing them, and they stick them on everything. Lunch boxes, cups, toys, etc. Its […]
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Schools out for the Summer! NOW WHAT?! Kids home, all day every day. If you’re like me you are probably staring at each other wondering WHAT DO WE DO ALL DAY. Breaking up fights, cleaning up SO many messes and just watching the clock for bedtime (which never comes because the sun is up until […]
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Even when they’re perfectly behaved angels, traveling anywhere with multiple children (out of town, petting zoo, grocery store) takes effort. Real life, sweat on your brow, why-did-I-think-this-was-worth-it effort. So I’m giving all you moms out there my best tips for travel. Maybe they’ll work for you too! A Bag of Tricks. I’m talking dollar store […]
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Hi, my name is Ashley. I love Diet Coke & long, effortless walks on the beach…with my children because I am a mom to four delightful little people who I just can’t get enough of. With four kids, I am no stranger to the sheer amount of effort it takes to go places–the […]
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We kept our daughter in our room for a long time, she didn’t try to crawl or flip so it was easy to have her in her bassinet and just recently in the last couple months we transitioned her into a crib and we all sleep so much better now! I am teaming up with […]
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Even though I’m now on my fourth and final baby, and many ideals I held strong to when I first started having babies have gone out the window (who needs patching pajamas anyways!?) one thing I haven’t let go is the importance of reading. I grew up loving reading, and I went to school to […]
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I got an Owlet Monitor before my daughter was born. Knowing me, and my tendency to have high anxiety with a newborn, I knew that I could get some peace of mind and sleep better with an Owlet. If you aren’t familiar with Owlet Monitors, It’s the only monitor to use hospital technology called pulse […]
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