
Changing the Produce Game

I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like my kids can get super picky about what goes in their lunch box.  As their mother, protector, and provider I want to ensure that they are eating REAL foods that are not only good, but also nutritious for their growing bodies.   Each day they […]

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Safety First with Guardian Bikes

Some of you may know that we live on a pretty steep street.  We’ve lived in our current house for about 3 years and I have been (more than) a little hesitant to let my boys ride their bikes on our road for fear of them going down too fast and getting hurt.   I […]

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My TOP 5 Soups + Chili Recipes

Fall is upon us!  Every year after the weather cools down I tend to seek out any and all opportunities to make a good chili or soup.   Since I get asked all the time what my favorites are, I thought I would compile my top 5 recipes into one blog post.  I will also […]

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Creamy Cheesy Tortellini Soup

I HAVE A NEW SEASON TOP SOUP! I know its soup season, I know you probably had your classics – I did! BUT I have to suggest you give this one a whirl. You will want it weekly all season, just like our family does!

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Greek Farfalle Pasta Salad

Pasta salads are a great group food it just beefs up the salad assignment enough to make it heartier and yummier – its  also a chance to experiment with food- so you can imagine for me how much fun this is.  I make pasta salads a lot and tend to go the Italian route – […]

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Fresh Fix Bruschetta

Is there anything better than the flavors that come together for a fresh bruschetta?! Its one of my favorite party appetizers because its quick to make and doesn’t require any cooking- I can get behind that is a rush!

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3 Ingredient Honey Nut Cheerio Bars

Yup! You read that right, 3 ingredients and you’ve got yourself and easy crowd pleasing simple treat, ya’ll ready for this!?  

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Fave Finds

I Found the Perfect Planner

Call me old school if you want, but I have a love that runs deep for a traditional paper planner.   There is something so fulfilling about actually writing down my schedule, seeing my weekly view, and also being able to visualize months ahead.   I have tried time and time again to consolidate all […]

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Spinach Bacon Artichoke Quiche

I have always loved quiche ever since I was a kid. It reminds me of weekend mornings with my big family and my mom making hot breakfasts for us. I love a good classic quiche but wanted to add a few flavors I personally love this time – I had such a delicious afternoon dreaming […]

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Your Body ♡

Your body – no matter how many parts don’t work or look the way you want them to – is THE ONLY way you can be here, on planet earth, experiencing your life and fulfilling your purpose.   The only way you can scoop up your babies and hold them close.   The only way […]

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