
Your Body ♡

hey there!
I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.

Your body – no matter how many parts don’t work or look the way you want them to – is THE ONLY way you can be here, on planet earth, experiencing your life and fulfilling your purpose.  

The only way you can scoop up your babies and hold them close.  

The only way you can laugh with friends so hard you can’t breathe. 

The only way you can learn new things and expand your mind. 

The only way you can talk and communicate your feelings.  

The only way you can create, build, grow.

Having a body, YOUR BODY – is the only way you can LIVE your life.  

You need it, and it needs you. 

Your body needs you to show up, every day.  

Your body needs your gratitude and grace.    

Own it, love it! ♡

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