
The Glory Days!

July 26, 2018

hey there!
I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.


What advice would you give to your middle school self?!?  I asked my followers on instastories today what the worst thing that happened to them in middle school was and I got THOUSANDS of some of the most hilarious and heartbreaking stories EVER.

The consensus is…

middle school just sucks!

Pictured above is 8th grade Ashley.  What a year it was for her! 

She hadn’t quite figured out her 6 foot tall frame yet and like a baby giraffe she tripped over an autidorium row of seats and ripped her dress open in front of a couple hundred peers. 

She accidentally intercepted notes (remember those triangle fold ups?) of party plans specifically asking NOT to invite her.  

She overheard boys asking how such a fat girl had such pretty friends.  

She loved *NSYNC and knew all the words and dance numbers.  

So guys, it wasn’t all bad.  

But this was/is ME!

I was hurting, I was insecure, I also wasn’t perfect either and didn’t stand up for others when I should have.  

One of my biggest regrets. 

If I could go back and give 8th grade Ashley advice, I’d start off with a hug – because she needed it!  

I’d tell her to be nice to herself first, so she can be nicer to others.  

When you love yourself and know your worth, you can see that in others.  

Your worth is infinite.

Anyone you encounter has that same worth. 

You’re not better or less than anyone. 

Accept yourself for who you are and don’t change for anyone.

You’re going to be ok ♡♡♡

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