
Say No to Brown Produce

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I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.

With school in more than full swing and the holidays fast approaching (que the busiest time of the year… and I love it!) I have to be very intentional with my time – and I am sure you do too!  One thing I love doing every week that helps me out in major ways, is having a meal / food prep day where I get everything washed, chopped, bagged and ready to go for the whole week.  

Monday – Friday packing bento style lunches is totally our jam! I love all the different combinations that can be created and I am starting to think that this is the style of lunch my boys prefer.   

In our house, we have a rule that in their lunch they need to grab protein, veggies, and fruit before they pack in any crackers or chips.  Most days, my boys end up putting so much of the required stuff in their little boxes that they don’t even have room for the “other” items.  Maybe that was part of the plan, but shh, don’t tell.  

I try to have as many of their lunch box items prepped and ready to grab-n-go as possible!  Doing this totally takes the guessing game out of packing lunches and helps alleviate some of the early morning stress that tends to creep in when we are rushing out the door to catch the bus.  

As of late, I have totally enjoyed using NatureSeal for any fresh cut produce that goes into their lunches.  In past times, I rarely included apples, celery, carrots, peaches, or pears because my kids would bring them home, uneaten, and when in question they would just complain because said produce went brown.  Equaling wasted produce and money down the drain.  

Not only does this give my boys more options at lunch time, but it helps this momma out because I am able to prep more produce on my food / meal prep day at the start of the week.  NatureSeal keeps fresh cut produce from browning for up to 7 days.  Can you imagine how much less produce you would toss out?!

While food prepping is very important to help save time and money throughout the week there’s also something else I need to tell you about!

NatureSeal also has an avocado and guacamole mixture too! 

A product specifically for the avocados!  Finally!  You all know my love for avocados runs deep, so keeping these fresh for longer is music to my ears.  With NatureSeal you can keep your guacamole from browning for up to 5 days and a sliced avocado fresh for 10 hours!  A Christmas miracle!

Can you imagine your charcuterie spreads with guacamole added to them?! Or the thought of eating the leftovers?

I can, and I did!   

I must say (not to toot my own horn) but I think it turned out lovely! 

This season not only do I get to show up with a beautiful charcuterie board, I get to have all the satisfaction in the world knowing that the guacamole isn’t going to brown.  Hallelujah!

With NatureSeal, I can rest easy knowing that its made of vitamins and minerals, is filler free, and will not change or alter the flavor of all that delicious food one bit.  

I have been blown away with NatureSeal’s products and I know you will be too!  



This post was written as part of a paid partnership with NatureSeal, all opinions are my own. 


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