

hey there!
I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.


I have had a really FUN year in work. I am growing a business I love, sharing content I am passionate about and I am generously supporting my family while doing it. Its all WONDERFUL, but there has been some bumps in the road to navigate!

One thing I have struggled to find in working for myself was compartmentalizing. I would often find myself working from home, and juggling all the home things and work things at the same time. I would easily get distracted and frustrated and felt like I could never accomplish much of anything. I felt like I would be playing with my kids and I would get an urgent email that needed attention, or I would be working on a post with a time sensitive due date and my kids would start getting upset if I wasn’t paying attention to them. They were throwing fits, making messes I couldn’t stay on top of while trying to work at home – and I just felt like I wasn’t able to get anything done unless they were watching shows on tv and thats not a good way for kids to spend all day. 

After kids were asleep, I was staying up all hours of the night finishing work I didn’t get done during the day and I was exhausted, drained, and had to get up the next morning at 6 am to start the whole routine again. I had to be honest with myself and something had to change. 

For me, It was hard for me to give up the “stay at home mom” title, I don’t know why!? I felt like I had worked so hard to leave my full time Elementary School teaching job to be home with my kids, so why would I leave them!? Then I realized I left teaching because I didn’t love it, and I didn’t have the flexible schedule I needed for our family. If I wanted to do a better job at being a mom, and a better job at running my own business with those flexible hours, I needed some separation and I needed to work outside our home. 

Making this choice for us in our situation has been exactly what we needed. We found a great balance. When I am at work, I know the kids are getting attention and the house isn’t being destroyed because the babysitters are only focused on them! They get to play and have fun with a sitter while I work. 

I was so grateful for my friends at RC Willey who helped me get my office space even a little more cozy with this gorgeous modern sofa.  You guys know I love RC Willey because I have furnished my house in so many of their items. My couch in our living room and my entertainment center are from there too! We love RC Willey

When I am at work, I can STORM through SO MUCH MORE with zero distractions. I am accomplishing more and seeing more success because of the focus I can get while away from home. The best part is, when I walk in the door I am MOM & WIFE, I am not busy distracted boss trying to juggle two hundred tasks at any given minute. I spend time with my family, we put the kids to bed and I spend time and relax with my husband and EVERYTHING is more in balance for us. 

In this set up- I feel my family gets the best of me, work gets the best of me, and while many women may be able to work from home successfully I wasn’t – and this set up is best for me.  

I don’t feel like I owe anyone an explanation but I wanted to write it down for me, to explain why this has been such a blessing. 

I spend a couple days a week at my office, its comfortable and FUN and I love being there. I want to show you around! 

Hope you enjoyed it! 

Thanks again to RC WILLEY for my COUCH

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  1. Courtney Brinley says:

    This is adorable! My first job was working on a spud farm in Rexburg Idaho ????
    Love your blog!

  2. Sharon says:

    I love it! My first job (babysitting aside) was working at a Finance company in HS. I filed Manila folders for hours on end. It was awful! I’ve come a long way since then. ????

  3. Nicole says:

    It looks so nice!! My first real job was as a graphic designer at Utah Valley University. I met so many amazing people and I loved it!!

  4. Amy says:

    Love your office style! My first job was working at a daycare in HS. It was great birth control. ????????

  5. Dani says:

    I love the carpet!! Such cute colors! My first job was as a waitress at Andy’s – a burger and fry place. Haha oh how I feel like Ive upgraded.

  6. Kayla Kipper says:

    So cute! My first job was working at a daycare when I was 16. I loved it so much! I learned a lot and it prepared me for being a mom. I also landed a fun nanny job off of it.

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