
Ice Rollers + Their Benefits

March 14, 2022

hey there!
I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.

Over the past year the internet has been exploding with buzz about ice rollers. Celebrities and self-care advocates alike have been raving about the benefits of including them in your daily routine. I finally caved and bought one, and let me tell you, the obsession was immediate! I loved *almost* everything about it, but it was needing a quality and aesthetic glam-up. I worked with a manufacturer to redesign a few mechanics, and give it a sleek, all-black vibe. Because who said self-care can’t be seggsy??

So the question is, what do ice rollers do? Are they actually effective? And are they deserving of the hype they’ve garnered?

Let’s dive in!




Although usually thought of as a beauty product, ice rollers are considered a cryotherapy tool. They have both incredible cosmetic and physiological benefits, including:

  • Relieves muscle tension
  • Firms skin
  • Alleviates pain
  • Enhances lymph circulation
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Slows heart-rate and signals the mind to relax

I especially love using mine to diminish the appearance of puffy eyes in the morning, and to soothe headache zones and neck pain. It’s one of the only remedies that has helped take the edge off of my post-meningitis headaches.



YES. But I realize only sharing my personal experience with them doesn’t provide the most convincing evidence. So let’s hear from some board-certified doctors:

“Face rollers stimulate the lymphatic system and massage the face, helping to get rid of puffiness, toxins, and reduce muscle tension.” –Stacy Chimento, M.D., Dermatologist (source)


“The cold temperatures can cause vasoconstriction of blood vessels, which can help to make the skin less red, and it can also decrease puffiness. They can also help with a reduction of fluid and lymphatic drainage, which is why you get a sculpted effect after using cryo tools. The cold causes the blood vessels to vasoconstrict, this can reduce the amount of interstitial fluid that accumulates, so then there is less fluid to be drained by the lymphatics.”  –Hadley King, M.D., Dermatologist. (source)


“Cryotherapy uses sub-zero temperature to give a cold shock to the skin, which will send fresher blood to the targeted area. More blood means more oxygen, and a richer nutrient delivery, which flushes away toxins and reduces water retention.” –Dr. Yannis Alexandrides, Cosmetic Surgeon and founder of 111 Skin. (source)




Applying cold pressure to the middle of your chest (sternum) and up to your neck stimulates your vagus nerve. Several studies have shown that this practice slows your heart-rate and causes a shift in your parasympathetic nerve system. This shift reduces the feeling of anxiety and tells your body it’s time to relax (read more about it here).

And beyond the scientific evidence, I will personally testify to this, as it has become a common practice for me and for my children who struggle with adhd/high-anxiety. 


100%. Not only is the ice roller reusable and easy to clean, its multiple purposes will have you pulling it out of the freezer daily. It may end up being your most-used and least-expensive self-care item! (And it will certainly be your favorite!)

Get in, let’s roll! SHOP HERE



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