
Garage Organization

May 31, 2022

hey there!
I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.

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Summer has officially begun! It has always been important for Justin and I to encourage our kids to get outside, explore the outdoors, and expand their life experiences by connecting with nature. We like to store all of our outdoor equipment in our garage, from fishing gear, to Traeger accessories, to bikes, kayaks, and everything in between.

The garage has a tendency to get cluttered which then makes it difficult for the kids to navigate. This weekend we did a garage clean out/makeover, and got everything organized into simplified sections. We know that our family is a lot more likely to use what’s in here if it is approachable.

I’ve included all of the LINKS HERE to our organization products, garage essentials, and a few of our favorite outdoor items.

See the before and after below!



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