
Celebrating Every Woman’s Journey

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I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.

I was blessed with five incredible younger sisters. Later on, I was fortunate to gain six additional  sister-in-laws, who I love and consider some of my closest allies. And on top of that, a network of female friends who motivate and root for each other. The loyalty that we have for one another is unparalleled, and I never take for granted what a gift it is to have all of these women in my life.


We hear the phrase “women supporting women” often in regards to empowerment, motherhood, and business. But it raises the question: Are there women around us who may be missing out on the social support that is so readily granted to others?


Take, for example, my youngest sister Cassidy, who earned her masters degree by age 23, moved two states away from all of her family and friends (where she didn’t know anyone), and has been working hard to grow her career and support herself for the last 7 years. She is the definition of independent, and such a great example to all of us. 


Cassi just turned 30, she is unmarried and doesn’t have children. She has never had a bridal or baby shower, wedding gifts, etc to help her get her footing as she headed off on her own. She has done an amazing job being self-sufficient, but my sisters and I wanted to celebrate all of her accomplishments by gifting her a home glam-up! Enjoy some fun before and after shots:

Our goal was to brighten and rejuvenate her new apartment so it was a happier space to come home to every day. We added these stunning rugs from my favorite Boutique Rugs collections to lighten up the dark blue flooring underneath. We put the Whitestown area rug in the living room, and the Trunding area rug in her bedroom. You can use code ROSE 62 for 62% off their entire site!


I bet you can’t guess where we got this divine bedding set…obviously my go-to Beddy’s! My code ASHLEYROSE always saves you 20%.

The sofa pillows are ones I bought a while ago from Stagg Design. Gorgeous designs, high-quality, you can’t go wrong.

All of the other additional decor was scored at the local Ross! We found some insane deals on these stunning pieces. 


All in all it only took some minor additions to totally makeover these spaces. We had a blast spending the weekend altogether working on it, and most importantly, it showed Cassi how much we love and support her where she’s at. 


Let’s continue to celebrate our friends who get married and have babies, but let’s equally honor our friends who live independently, who start careers, who grow their families through foster care and/or adoption, who go back to school after a break, who work hard and move their way up in a company, who are entrepreneurs, who leave toxic relationships, and who are always supporting and rooting for others. 


Let’s be people who support women on ALL of their different journeys.


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