Fave Finds

2019 Holiday Gift Guide

November 22, 2019

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I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.

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Every year I love to round up some simple, practical and FABULOUS gift ideas for you guys to help make your holidays run a little smoother!

I prefer to spend as little time possible shopping over the holidays and just soak up time with my family, so I hope these gift guides help you get your shopping done quick so you can get to the most important reason for the season! 

Here are the links to some of my favorite products along with codes to help you SAVE MONEY on your gift purchases!! By simply clicking on the links provided, you will be directed to the business’s website and then it’s happy shopping!

1- Loopy Cases > STAY TUNED the Black Friday deal on my FAV phone case is coming soon!

2- Dime Beauty > I use DIME for my skin care routine I love how its all ceam products and my skin feels better than its ever felt!
Use the code ashleyholiday for 15% off your entire order

3- BathPack > My all time fav brushes, you neec to pick up a few silver brushes for all your kids, girlfriends, and for YOU to keep around the house!

The code FreshFix will get you 15% off your order (no minimum purchase required)

4- Saranoni Blankets > We LIVE in these blankets. I have been collecting them over the years, our kids each have their own and we have several throughout the house as the best snuggle blankets. They are soft and and wash SO well!

ASHLEY2019 is the code that will get you 20% off everything except embroidery 

5- Chatbooks > Photobooks for memorioes! Such a good gift idea for Grandparents!

Use the code ashleyrose20 for 20% off

6- Flekk Cosmetics > Favorite things parties? These all includive eye makeup kits have all that you need to have gorgeous eye shadow colors!

The code ASHLEYROSE gets you 25% off! 

7- Loom Journals > Husband and Wife journals to help build better memories with your spouse!

FRESHFIX20 will get you 20% off the Loom Love Journal

8- Highland Hardware > These acryllic frames are my absolute favoite! They are moden and unique, I love them!
20% off store wide

9- PMD Beauty > I use PMD products to keep my skin clean and bright, both Clean Pro RQ and Microderm are fabulous for the women in your life!

Use code THIRTY gets you 30% off through 11/25.

1- Jungle Jumparoo >  STAY TUNED big deals coming soon! 

2- Learning Dynamics > How my kids have learned to read in 4 weeks!

The code READ25 will get you 25% off sitewide

3- Boon Ties > Justin and the boys ony use these ties, they are perfect for the holiday and the year!

Use the code Ashley15 for 15% off 

4- Beddys > Imagine if your kids beds always were made!? Beddy’s zip up bedding makes it easy for them to!

BOGO (Buy one Item, Get one 50% off) with code THANKSBOGO19

Happy holidays!





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