I got a mini muffin tin and it makes baking eggs even easier- 24 eggs at once that sit upright! You might have to play around with the temp & time a bit but the magic number on our old oven seems to be 325° for 25 min, immediately followed by dunking them in ice water for 10 min. You’ll get a perfectly peeled egg every time!

Baked Eggs
2017-09-26 06:17:08

- Eggs
- I got a mini muffin tin and it makes baking eggs even easier- 24 eggs at once that sit upright! You might have to play around with the temp & time a bit but the magic number on our old oven seems to be 325° for 25 min, immediately followed by dunking them in ice water for 10 min. You’ll get a perfectly peeled egg every time!
Ashley Rose Reeves https://ashleyrosereeves.com/
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