I hope you all had a lovely Labor Day! I had a cookie at a BBQ and I don’t feel bad about it at all, the lovely thing about #whole30, and in particular life after a complete whole30 is I can follow whole30 most of the time- have an occasional treat and pick right back up where I left off. Having that control is a life changer. Anyway, dinner for us tonight was chicken “tacos” in lettuce wraps with pico, avocado, lime juice and course sea salt.

Chicken “Tacos” in Lettuce Wraps
2017-09-26 08:30:14

- Chicken
- Lettuce
- Pico
- Avocado
- Lime juice
- Sea salt.
- Dinner for us tonight was chicken “tacos” in lettuce wraps with pico, avocado, lime juice and course sea salt.
- I hope you all had a lovely Labor Day! I had a cookie at a BBQ and I don’t feel bad about it at all, the lovely thing about #whole30, and in particular life after a complete whole30 is I can follow whole30 most of the time- have an occasional treat and pick right back up where I left off. Having that control is a life changer.
Ashley Rose Reeves https://ashleyrosereeves.com/
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