
Unpacking the Benefits of Pickleball

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I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.

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Tennis and Ping Pong had a baby and named it Pickleball. This paddle sport has been one of our family favorites in the last 2 years – its rapidly gained popularity across the country, and for good reason! There are countless benefits to this pastime, all of which can help improve your physical and mental well-being. Let’s dive in, shall we?
Great for all ages and skill levels!
You don’t have to be a seasoned pro in your prime to enjoy playing Pickleball. The accessibility of this sport is what makes it so attractive. The court is smaller than a regular tennis court, and the pace of the game is slower, which makes it easier to participate without the physical strain you might find in other sports. It’s a low-impact workout, which is perfect for those with joint issues, or those recovering from injury.
You’re exercising that body!
Pickleball provides a three-tier workout that enhances cardio health, strength, and agility. I burn more calories playing an hour of Pickleball than I do in a typical workout. Plus, it’s a fun, engaging way to exercise without being a formal fitness routine.
Social health? Check!
This game is inherently social. Played as either singles or doubles, Pickleball encourages connection and communication. We’ve found that a lot of our friends and family like to play, so we’ve been able to set up games as date nights/family hangs!
Mental health boost!
To quote Legally Blonde, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!” Pickleball is the perfect escape from everyday stress. The focus it requires helps you stay present, and the social/physical engagement will release those chemicals that lead us to improved moods and increased feelings of happiness.
It’s affordable and accessible!
Setting up a game of Pickleball requires minimal investment on your part. A paddle and a ball is really all you need! Check your surrounding area to see where the nearest courts are—the popularity of the game has grown immensely, so it usually isn’t too hard to find a nearby court!
The benefits of Pickleball extend beyond the court itself. It really is an ideal activity for all ages, and one that you will want to continue to come back to over and over again! To shop for Pickleball supplies, check out this link!

xo Ashley

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