
Transitioning Baby to Sleep in a Crib

August 9, 2016

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I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.
How I Found Peace by Tuning in to True Body Love
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We kept our daughter in our room for a long time, she didn’t try to crawl or flip so it was easy to have her in her bassinet and just recently in the last couple months we transitioned her into a crib and we all sleep so much better now!

I am teaming up with The Baby Cubby today to talk baby sleep.

 I try to make my kids transitions a lot easier with a few different methods I thought I could share!

Start with a full tummy and a clean diaper – there is nothing worse than a baby who wakes up 10 minutes into a nap with hunger or a messy diaper!

Use a white noise machine– if you have other noise around your home, kids, pets, tv etc- the white noise machine does a great job of knocking it out. I use a white noise machine starting the day I get home from the hospital and the kids.

Use soft comfortable bedding. I LOVE the selection of beautiful crib sheets I found at The Baby Cubby , I chose this floral sheet in watercolor rose and we love how soft it is!

a-7 (1)Make sure baby has some security items. Our girl loves her little security blanket and pacifier. She doesn’t take a binkie, but she loves chewing on it like a chew toy! Sure helps distract her for a while as she falls asleep. I loved this all natural brand HERE.


I always have a mobile for the baby to watch while she settles down, I love this one from The Alison Show.


Now that baby has all the necessities I think routine is key. Every time before putting baby to bed do a few things they can recognize as sleeping cues. Lotion on their feet, singing a song, rocking for a few minutes etc. I love nursing before putting baby to sleep!

Last but not least, I cant recommend the Owlet Baby Monitor enough. It gives me the ultimate peace of mind while baby sleeps. You can read my whole post on how the monitor saved our babies life HERE and you can click HERE for $25 off an Owlet of your own!

Most of all, remember each baby is different. What works for my babies, might not work for yours- I think my babies all had different things they needed to fall asleep as well. Just trust your gut, practice a little trial and error and figure out what’s best for you and your baby.

This post has been sponsored by The Baby Cubby, you can shop through August 20th and recieve 10% off your whole order with code “ashleysfreshfix10”

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  1. Megan Peters says:

    Great post Ashley
    Another good idea that i have seen is leave your scent behind in the crib. Like a shirt or something you wore which has your scent on it. It relaxes the baby 🙂
    Will check the owlet baby monitor.

  2. Lisa says:

    This is currently my small dilemma. Thanks for your tips. I learned a lot.


I'm Ashley Reeves!

I'm a body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.

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