
How the Owlet Baby Monitor saved my sanity, and my baby.

April 30, 2016

hey there!
I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.


I got an Owlet Monitor before my daughter was born. Knowing me, and my tendency to have high anxiety with a newborn, I knew that I could get some peace of mind and sleep better with an Owlet.


If you aren’t familiar with Owlet Monitors, It’s the only monitor to use hospital technology called pulse oximetry. Owlet is designed to alert you if your baby stops breathing. It monitors your baby’s vitals and you can check it all from your smart phone!


Every night I check my security system, then check the Owlet app and see baby girl is doing fine and I sleep perfectly!

A couple months ago, my baby caught RSV. It was a really hard week of sleepless days & nights for her. I was so exhausted and one night, she finally fell asleep and so did I.

About 30 minutes after I fell asleep the monitor went off, flashing red making siren noises and I bolted up. Her oxygen was dangerously low. I was able to wake her up, and rush her to the hospital- where they admitted her for the night.

I don’t know if she would have woken up on her own, I hope she would have. But I am SO grateful my Owlet monitor alerted me because I was so tired I don’t think I would have woken up to notice her not breathing.

I cant tell you the value of peace of mind that Owlet Offers. I am so grateful and I feel like every mom of a new baby needs one!

You can save $25 off by CLICKING HERE to purchase your Owlet for your sweet baby.





This post has been sponsored by Owlet Baby Monitors.



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  1. Thanks for sharing this. I have never heard of Owlet Baby Monitor, but they seem to be a great monitor. I think it’s more expensive than most baby monitors available on the market.

  2. Holly says:

    Yes! The owlet save me a whole lot of restless nights as well, at using it just under a year it has been my saving-grace, I LOVE my Owlet!!!

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