
Healthy Brownies by SilverFern Brand

hey there!
I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.

I have been working so hard the past 3 months not having any sugar. I feel really great, and for the most part have been able to beat my cravings. One thing I have missed is baking with my kids. We used to do that more often, and I miss it- and they did too!

When SilverFern Brand emailed me about their healthy baking mixes I was hesitant because I didn’t believe such a thing could exist!


Here is some fun facts about their products!

#PakaBakingMixes are

  • Sweetened with Kakato™ Sweetener

  • Natural

  • High in protein

  • High in fiber traditional baking mixes

  • Lower in calories per serving than similar baking mixes

  • Satisfying and curb hunger cravings


#PakaBakingMixes HAVE…

  • Natural Lower amounts of sugar than traditional baking mixes

  • Lower net carbs compared to traditional baking mixes

  • Higher nutrient density compared to traditional baking mixes

  • No genetically engineered or bioengineered ingredients

So obviously, I was excited to try it out. I got to bake the simple Double Chocolate Brownie recipe with my boys- and turns out, they are delicious. My kids loved licking the mix even!


I am glad I found this option for a healthy treat I can bake with my kids, while still staying away from processed sugars!

 This post has been sponsored by SilverFern Brand.

#silverfernbrand #pakabakingmixes #paka #spon #ad

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