
3 Easy Vacation Rental Recipes for a Girls Weekend Getaway

hey there!
I'm Ashley! A body positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body love and empowering others to do the same.

One thing I think all moms need to do occasionally is take a time out for themselves. We all know we pour every minute of our days into little children, our home and family and that it brings us so much joy but there is no denying its HARD work, and we get worn out.

For years, I had a really hard time convincing myself it was ok to take time to myself. I felt like in some way I was abandoning my family. The first time I took a single night out and stayed over night with my sisters I felt so guilty- but guess what I noticed? I came back energized and ready to take all my responsibilities on, and I felt a new gusto of sorts to handle the daily grind with a smile on my face.

Since then, I have been more intentional about taking time for me- for my family. Because by now they all now if I can get a break every couple months, they’ll all benefit from a well rested mom!

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This summer my sisters and I decided we wanted a relaxing getaway. We are all busy, students, moms, and women and we weren’t looking for high adventure anything- we just wanted to relax in a beautiful place with out a to do list.

When we started looking for places to stay we loved the idea of a vacation home, it would be big enough to have all 8 of us in one house which was more cost effective than a bunch of different hotel rooms. We also loved the idea of lounging around a house together as opposed to a small hotel AND we LOVED the idea of a full kitchen! We could stock it up with foods for a few meals that would allow us to stay at the house instead of having to spend a lot of money at restaurants.

We were so happy we found Vacation Palm Springs by Wyndham Vacation Rentals, where we found a beautiful home.

The first night we were there we threw a “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” Party complete with a delicious antipasto plate, a mocktails!

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To Make the Perfect AntiPasto Plate collect a variety of cheese, meat, crackers, pretzels, fresh fruits & pickles, I listed a few of my favorites below!



Pretzel Crips


Munster Cheese

Cheese Spreads

Pita Crackers

The great thing about booking a home through Wyndham Vacation Rentals is that you have a full kitchen at your disposal. Knives, cutting boards, blenders, etc- everything you need!

The second morning we were there we made a Veggie Frittata


Veggie Frittata

8 whole eggs

1/2 c diced onions

1/2 c milk

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp pepper

Use any combo of fresh veggies & cheese we used

1/2 c chopped mushrooms

1/2 c chopped red peppers

1/2 c chopped broccoli

2 cups cheese


Heat a little olive oil or butter and cook onions thoroughly.

Whisk eggs, milk salt & pepper.

 Mix veggies & cheese into egg and onion mixture.

Pour mixture into skillet and cook until edges pull away from edge (we improvised and used a baking dish!)

Place skillet into oven and bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes.


One last recipe we LOVED that was super easy I wanted to share with you!

Banana Berry Protein Smoothies

2 cups frozen strawberries

1 banana

1/2 c plain greek yogurt

1 c almond milk

Blend, and enjoy!

This was a REALLY easy poolside snack!

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So glad we got to spend a few days relaxing and recharging with Vacation Palm Springs by Wyndham Vacation Rentals!

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You can see more rental friendly cooking recipes at!

This post was written in partnership with Vacation Palm Springs and Wyndam Vacation Rentals

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  1. Saran Mode says:

    Greetings from Ohio!

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